It is important that you learn how to critically review research. In our society today, we are exposed to so much information and so many studies. Some of thisinformation is excellent, some is useful,

It is important that you learn how to critically review research. In our society today, we are exposed to so much information and so many studies. Some of thisinformation is excellent, some is useful, and some is very, very bad. How can you determine what information is useful and what is dangerous? One way is to take a course like Critical Thinking; however, the facts that I give you will be outdated all too soon. The most important thing you will learn from this course—and from your college education—is how to critically evaluate information presented to you. Critical thinking involves asking five questions: who, what, when, where, how.

Find and read an article in the mediaor a video clip that reportsthe results of a scientific study. You must include the link to the website.

How accurately did the mass media report the study?

Answer theabove five questions about thearticle (Who, What, When, Where, and How).Refer topage 353 of your text and be sure to cover all thehighlights discussed.

Do NOT use entertainment or sports articles for your review. These are to be research based.


You will write a one-page critical review of the article. The review should answer each of the five questions. You must cite your source. If it is a website, please make sure you put the entire web address. Remember you are evaluating critically, not just summarizing. See the examples below the grading rubric:

Week 4: Critical ReviewPoint ValueAdequately covers and answers the 5 questions, plus the summary section (10 points per section)60 pointsChooses a scholarly/researchable topic10 pointsUses the recommended number of scholarly resources correctly cited in APA format (at least four) 10 pointsMeets the required word minimum (150 words) and posts word count10pointsFollows APA formatting with parenthetical citations and referencing10pointsTotal:100points


Critical thinking involves asking five questions – who, when, what, where, how.

You should organize your paper in the following manner:

Your NameCritical Review

Author, I. (date of publication). Title of article. Name of Publication, volume #, page #-#.


Author, I. (date of publication if available). Title of article. Retrieved [date accessed] from the World Wide Web: [Web site address]

Where: Where did this article/Web page appear? Is this reasonable? Is the publishing entity respectable/responsible?

Who: Who wrote/published the article/Web page? What are their credentials? Are the credentials appropriate for their argument?

When: Is this current information? If yes, do you think it will stand the “test of time”? If no, is it outdated or is it classic?

What: What argument is/are the author(s) making? Is it logical? Based on what you know, is it reasonable? What evidence is given to support the argument? Can you think of evidence to refute it?

How: How was the supporting/refuting evidence collected? Is this credible? What kind of evidence do you think needs to be gathered to test the argument? Did the author(s) do this?

Summarize the quality of the article (it does not have to be a “good” article in your opinion), and whether you consider this to be a worthwhile and trustworthy article. Did you think it was biased? Could the author have underlying motives? What do you think? Is it valid?

NOTE: Do not simply answer yes or no to the questions above. Write a thoughtful response to each section.


Virginia Norris Critical Review

Eggenberger, T. Sentinel node biopsy. Retrieved August 30, 2001, from the World Wide Web:

Where: The Intellihealth Web site is a general information health Web site. It draws information from “trusted sources” (e.g., Harvard Medical School, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine); however, it sells health products and is financed by an insurance comp…

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