Write a report on the infrastructure needs for such a data warehouse. Discuss COTS systems and data warehouse architectures that would be applicable in such a context.


 AusEd wants to better manage and analyse its faculty and student data for improving faculty management, marketing and other operational areas. Currently the data is located across 4-5 different systems including Banner, SugarCRM, and others. Should AusEd develop a data warehouse or center? Write a report on the infrastructure needs for such a data warehouse. Discuss COTS systems and data warehouse architectures that would be applicable in such a context.

Report Guidelines



  • Investigate the topic. Use articles and/or books, web sites etc., for background and discussion in addition to the weekly study guide.
  • Don’t just report. Discuss pros and cons. Evaluate. Use your own words. Quote where appropriate. Give citations for facts and quotes. Discuss how your topic relates to material covered in the text and/or in class discussions.
  • Papers are to be typed (use a word processor, Times New Roman with font size 12) and single-spaced with double spacing between headings and paragraphs. 
  • The paper should 4 pages maximum, exclusive of title page, bibliography. Preferably around 1000 words.
  • One page should cover title, authors and abstract.Abstract of your paper should be an executive summary which provides highlights from the paper and summarizes the topics to be discussed in the paper.
  • You must provide a bibliography.  Avoid relying overmuch on web sites for definitive references (as opposed to guidance to sources of reliable, vetted information).  
  • A suggested outline for the paper (can be changed).
    • Cover page: with title, your name , and abstract (a summary including aim-methodology-main findings – conclusion)
    • Introduction section: overview of topic and issues to be discussed Write an outline. Organize your thoughts. You may use section headings to indicate the topic or purpose of sections of the paper.
    • Background: description, and/or history of the issue, a brief information on the research topic (it should not be more than one page)
    • Methodology and research details
    • Issues, various points of view
    • Findings:  observations etc.
    • Conclusion: Your comments or evaluation
    • List of references:  Use a variety of sources for information and arguments. If you use articles from the Web, give the URL and the organization sponsoring the site. There’s a lot of junk and unsupported opinion on the Web. Pay attention to quality of your sources.

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