This assignment allows students to develop exam study guides, while also helping classmates. Students have been divided into groups (approximately 4 people in each group). To work with your group, and post the two required postings, go to the Blackboard course website and choose My Groups from the left side menu. Click on the group, then, under Group Tools click Group Discussion Board. For further instructions regarding how to use/post to the discussion board, I have attached instructions to this assignment. Students may only consult, and cite, the textbook, the assigned supplemental readings/video, and the narrated lectures for this assignment. Part 1: The first part of this assignment is to post to your GROUP DISCUSSION BOARD (not the class discussion board), an open-ended question (requiring more than a yes or no answer) from the chapter you have been assigned. Do not post an answer; just a question. To post, click on the Student Study Guide assignment in your group discussion board, then click Create Thread. Do not create a new forum. The question should reflect an important concept from the readings AND the lecture, and may not be copied or paraphrased from another source (such as MindTap, the internet, a study guide, etc.). For example: What is the difference between personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction? The question must be entirely in the students own words, and should require (of another student) at least a 100-word answer (about 3 5 sentences). Lastly, the question must not be similar to another students question already posted within your GROUP DISCUSSION BOARD. See your assigned group below. Due date: PART I OF THE ASSIGNMENT IS DUE TUESDAY BY 10:00 p.m. THE WEEK YOU ARE ASSIGNED TO COMPLETE IT (see below). Grading Rubric for Part I (5 points possible): 5 points Question conforms to instructions (open-ended, requiring 100 word answer, not derived from another source, etc.), and reflects an important concept from the readings and lecture. 3 points Question is related to the assigned chapter, and otherwise conforms to the instructions, but does not reflect an important concept from the readings and lecture. 0 Question does not conform to the instructions; or the question is not from the assigned readings and lecture; or the question was derived from an outside source; or a similar question has already been asked by another student in the group. Note: Students who do not complete Part I by due date will not earn a grade for Part II. Part II: Between Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. and Thursday at 10:00 p.m., you will write at 100 150 word model answer to ANOTHER students question posted in your GROUP DISCUSSION BOARD. Click Reply to the students question so your answer appears as a reply to the question thread. The model answer should demonstrate the students understanding of the readings and the lectures. Do not include any exact phrases, sentences or quotations from the textbook or my lectures (such answers will receive 0/20 points). While paraphrasing is permitted, so long as it is accompanied by proper internal citation (see below), the majority of the answer must be in the student’s own words. For instructions on how to paraphrase, see: htttppss://writingcenter.gmuedward/guides/when-to-summarize-paraphrase-and-quote Example: In order to hear a case, a court must have both personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction (Miller and Cross, 3-2a). Note, students should cite the section number if consulting the ebook, as the ebook does not include page numbers. Any answer that appears to come from a source other than the textbook, lectures, or assigned readings, will receive 0 points, and will be referred to the GMU Office of Academic Integrity as an honor code violation. What do I do if I am the last person to post a model answer and the only unanswered question is the one I posted? If you are the last person in your group to post an answer, and the only unanswered q…
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