The creators of IntelliJ have placed a tutorial for creating and running your first java application in IntelliJ on the Web at:
htttppss://wvvw.jetbrains.comm/help/idea/creating-and-running-your-first-java-application.html (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)You should complete this tutorial up to and including the section Build and run the application. The tutorial beyond this point is about JAR files. It is not necessary to learn about JAR files at this time.
4. Make sure your program has proper identifying comments at the top of the file. See the document Comments in Java Software to see how to include comments in Java software.
You should submit the IntelliJ project folder created as you worked on the tutorial. Make sure you pay attention to the file location as you start the tutorial.
To submit a CSCI 111 Java programming assignment.
Create a zipped copy of the IntelliJ project folder (.zip)
Submit the zipped folder by using the upload link for this assignment.
Before completing this assignment, You should complete the IntelliJ Hello Word assignment to make sure you know how to use IntelliJ.
Read through Chapter 2 from the the Java Learning Kit, then complete and submit any one of the exercises 6 through 9 at the end of Chapter 2 . The chapter is included in this week’s files.
Each of these exercises requires you to create interactive I-P-O software that asks the user for some input, processes the data, then outputs the result. They are similar to the corresponding exercises you saw in Python. You may pick an exercise similar to the one you used for your earlier Python IPO assignment, or a different exercise.
Be sure that program is well documented. Your output should be attractive, useful, and easy to understand. Your code should be well-documented, readable, and well-organized.
To submit a CSCI 111 Java programming assignment.
Create a zipped copy of the IntelliJ project folder
Submit the zipped folder by using the upload link for this assignment.
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