Report…from the Poor Law Commissioners on an Inquiry into the Sanitary Conditions of theLabouringPopulation of GreatBritain (1842)
What do you think the purpose of this document was?Which of his descriptions are related to urbanization (possibly common earlier in history) and which are related to industrialization?How does Chadwicks proposal attempt to alleviate laboring class suffering?What difficulties exist to these improvements?Do you think that these reforms were successful? Why or why not?
Carnegie Gospel of Wealth (1889)
How did Carnegie gain so much wealth? Would this have been possible before the Industrial Age?What does Carnegie argue about wealth and social relations?What is his solution to matters of wealth and inequality?How do his ideas about wealth juxtapose with Marks argument about Social Darwinism from this weeks reading?Do you agree or disagree with Carnegie? Why?
LuxemburgMartinique (1902)
What seems to be the purpose of this document?How does Luxemburg criticize international responses to the crisis?How are humans still at the mercies of nature even during an industrialized age?How is the location (Martinique) significant? Why was the damage so bad here? Incorporate information from our discussions Neo Europes and Climate/UprisingsDo we see discussions today that mirror those of Luxemburg and Martinique in the Caribbean?
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