Read the files I’ve attached below ( pictures taken from textbook ) and the links:htttppss://wvvw.mitpressjournals.orrg/doi/pdf/10.1162/desi.2007.23.3.4htttppss:// The forma

Read the files I’ve attached below ( pictures taken from textbook ) and the links:htttppss://wvvw.mitpressjournals.orrg/doi/pdf/10.1162/desi.2007.23.3.4htttppss://

The format you are asked to use for all posts is called Triangle/Square/Circle ( no reference needed )

– Minimally 500 words but no more than 1,000

– Use of paragraphs to separate all five points (three things that stood out, one thing that squared, one thing still circling)

– Informative reflection based on the most or all Readings and Viewings provided

– Opinion substantiated with facts and/or evidence

Name three things (triangle) that stood out for you and provide a reason why each one did;

Name one thing that squared (or resonated) with you and provide a reason why it did;

Name one thing that is still circling in your mind and provide a reason why it is.

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