You are asked to evaluate employees’ exposures to methyl n-amyl ketone during a painting operation. After careful consideration, you choose NIOSH Method 2553 for the sampling. You can access the method by clicking the link below:
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2003). Ketones II: Method 2553. In P. M. Eiler & M. E. Cassinelli (Eds.), NIOSH manual of analytical methods (4th ed.). Retrieved from
Your pre-sampling and post-sampling pump calibrations using a primary standard are both 0.05 L/min. You collect personal samples on two employees working in the operation. The samples are collected for 430 minutes (Sample 1) and 440 minutes (Sample 2).
The laboratory reports that the front section of Sample 1 contains 5,000 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone and the back section contains 200 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone. The front section of Sample 2 contains 4,000 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone and the back section contains 50 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone. Neither the front nor back sections of the field blank you supplied contain any detectable levels of methyl n-amyl ketone.
You then reference OSHA’s Table Z-1 and find that the 8-hour TWA PEL for methyl n-amyl ketone is 100 ppm
You also look up the ACGIH TLV for methyl n-amyl ketone and find that the TLV is 50 ppm as an 8-hour TWA exposure.
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